When inclusive classrooms (unwittingly) exclude

Does inclusion work? Are inclusive classrooms always best for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Are they best for your kiddo? Maybe you are  wondering.... We do. Sometimes inclusive classrooms work out beautifully for kids with ASD. They can use their intellectual strengths and are able to benefit from typically developing peers, learn from them, perhaps make some social gains. When it works, the child with ASD feels that he is an integral part of the classroom. He feels like he [...]

By |June 24th, 2014|Categories: Autism Spectrum, NDC Tips|0 Comments

Understanding your child (with Aspergers) makes all the difference

A small moment on the beach tells a big and important story about Aspergers parenting: Bella's meltdowns and the message Mom got Bella's mom came for her first visit quite desperate.  Bella was prone to severe emotional outbursts and aggressive behavior, especially when she was upset. These outbursts occurred at home, in the community, at school. In front of everyone. Mom knew something was wrong. Something she did not entirely understand. But everyone, including family members, friends, educators, and professionals told her [...]

By |August 21st, 2013|Categories: Autism Spectrum, Family, NDC Tips|0 Comments

Do you have your thoughts, or do your thoughts have you?

Help! I'm stuck. At one time or another, this has probably happened to you:  you get mentally stuck.  Unable to move on. Locked in a repetitive mental loop. Ruminations, repetitive thoughts, "stuck" ideas, automatic thoughts: this experience is common to several different kinds of suffering. Your thoughts have you, instead of you having them. It feels as though you can't stop thinking about something.  This is common to obsessive compulsive disorder, autism spectrum disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, depression (for many [...]

By |August 12th, 2013|Categories: Autism Spectrum, Depression, NDC Tips, Neuroscience, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Stimming Demystified

Most children on the spectrum engage in repetitive movements like rocking, bouncing or hand flapping. Stimming, as these movements are commonly known, is a key feature of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). As an autistic adult, I've noticed that parents are often curious and sometimes concerned about their child's stimming. Why does it happen? What does it mean? Why does it get worse at times? Why Do We Stim? Stimming happens for many reasons. I stim when I'm anxious. I stim [...]

By |July 31st, 2013|Categories: Autism Spectrum, NDC Tips|0 Comments

Autistic behavior makes perfect sense

People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have difficulties smoothly and consistently processing information. Information from the senses about the properties of things,  language information, information about the social world, emotional information, and also information from the body and self and what is going on there.  People with autism especially have difficulty with understanding the big picture, putting all the pieces of information together so that it hangs together and makes sense. They get the bits of information, but the bits [...]

By |June 17th, 2013|Categories: Autism Spectrum, NDC Tips|0 Comments

Shrink Tricks: Become an expert conversationalist in 6 easy steps.

Many teens and adults with Autism spectrum disorders or Aspergers or Non-verbal learning disability avoid conversations out of fear that they won’t know what to say. This fear usually is based on lots of experience. They may try a few stock scripted questions, but those rarely get you very far. After all, few conversations are sustained over topics such as the weather or your favorite movie or book, despite what your social skills instructor told you. Scripting just doesn't work very [...]

By |May 25th, 2013|Categories: Autism Spectrum, Learning Disabilities, NDC Tips|0 Comments

Surprises As Treatment for Aspergers Syndrome

Most kids on the autism spectrum hate unexpected events. They detest surprises of any sort. Their bother scales rise rapidly when things turn out differently than they anticipated. Life at Camp Kindred often helps our kids learn a new lesson. One example occurred during Family Day 2012. The first session of Camp Kindred 2012 ended with Family Day. Camp Kindred is our summer day camp for kids with high functioning autism, Asperger's Syndrome, or Non-verbal learning disability. Family Day was [...]

By |April 10th, 2013|Categories: Autism Spectrum|0 Comments

The Minor Miracle of Just Belonging

Hey guys, wait for me! A group of Camp Kindred campers heads back to the main lodge after some time at the waterfront. One is a little slower to get on his shoes and calls out to the rest, "Hey guys, wait for me." The kids turn and look back, and pause until their friend can join them.... This would be a perfectly ordinary occurrence at most summer camps. No one would give it a thought. But for the staff [...]

Kid’s with Aspergers talk too much.

Kids with Asperger's talk too much. They are so wrapped up in thinking about what they want to say that they ignore all of the non-verbal cues they need to know in order to talk with someone: How long. How loud? How complicated..... At Camp Kindred, we help them learn to talk less, and look more. Here is an example, described in a favorite memory from 2012 counselor Laura Martorelli: "One of my favorite memories was when a camper came [...]

By |February 3rd, 2013|Categories: Autism Spectrum|0 Comments