Meet Sally, diagnosed with Aspergers: Calmer and more social after 10 weeks of neurofeedback training

Sally was one smart little girl. But she struggled to understand the social world and to remain calm and in control of herself. She completely avoided playing with other children her age. She was rigid and bossy. She was diagnosed with Asperger’s disorder, a form of autism spectrum disorder.

Sally’s Mom was interested in neurofeedback as a medication-free treatment for Aspergers that could complement her other therapies. After ten weeks and 20 sessions of neurofeedback training, Sally showed very significant improvements in her social functioning. These huge gains are shown on the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) – a research proven measure of autism spectrum symptoms. This test was used before and after 20 sessions of neurofeedback. The results are shown in the graph below.

Her Mom told us that Sally was now able to enjoy herself in play with peers for the first time in her life and was much calmer, more flexible, and happier – in school and at home.

Sally_SRS neurofeedback for Aspergers

Meet Sam: A “party animal” after neurofeedback?

neurofeedback for Aspergers sam real storySam’s Dad came to us looking for a new approach to treatment for his son. Sam was diagnosed with Aspergers Disorder. He was a junior in college. Although Sam had coped reasonably well in high school, he just could not handle the complexities of life in college. He became totally isolated and very depressed. He had to drop out of school.

Sam responded well to neurofeedback. In ten weeks, after 20 neurofeedback sessions, his social functioning improved dramatically. This improvement is shown on the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). This is a research-proven measure of autism spectrum symptoms. We employed this test before and after ten weeks of Sam’s neurofeedback training.

After 20 sessions of neurofeedback training, all but one of his scores fell in the normal range. He no longer scored in the Asperger range on the Gilliam Asperger Disorder Scale, a well accepted diagnostic instrument. His Dad joked at the time that he was afraid his son had become a bit of a party animal. For the first time in his life, being social was as much of a priority as grades!

Three years later, Sam continues to do very well socially, with several close friends and an active social life.

Sam_SRS neurofeedback for autism spectrum

Daniel was a six year old boy diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder NOS,  a form of autism spectrum disorder. Daniel was getting excellent services in school, but his attention problems, impulsivity, and hyperactivity interfered with his learning and with his social development. His parents came to us to see if neurofeedback might be effective with these difficulties.

We used a research-proven computerized test to measure his symptoms before and after 20 sessions of neurofeedback autism treatment. The results show marked improvement in attention and impulse control. They are shown below.

daniel neurofeedback for Aspergers
Daniel’s Dad was so excited by his gains that he sent us two drawings that Daniel made of himself. One was drawn immediately before starting neurofeedback. The second his Dad asked him to do after his 20 sessions of neurofeedback treatment. All experts agree that children’s drawings reveal a great deal about their level of development. These drawings suggest that Daniel’s development was accelerated by neurofeedback training.

neurofeedback for Aspergers before

Drawing before neurofeedback

neurofeedback for Aspergers after

Ten weeks later after 20 neurofeedback sessions


Eli was a freshman at a demanding private school in Providence. He was diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder. He came to neurofeedback for help with his social and executive function. His Mom tells his story best:

“During the 2004-2005 school year, Eli had been doing poorly, not completing work and sometimes completing the work but not handing it in. His attention in class was poor, partially due to medication….He had a very difficult Freshman year. Eli participated in neurofeedback for most of the summer. In his Sophomore year, things were looking better. When I met Eli’s teachers at Parent Conference Night, I heard how Eli was attentive, participating in class, willing to take a chance, completing most of his work, and a joy to have in class. I left with tears in my eyes. One of his teachers was so impressed with him, she had him narrate a winter choral concert. More tears.

I started to see that Eli was less agitated, has a better sense of humor, and was helpful around the house. Our relationship improved and I was actually not thinking about him and worrying about him constantly. He was more organized, cooperative, and helpful. He took over some chores in the house such as laundry. He began to take pride in his appearance.”

Fast forward to the next school year, his Junior:

“At Parent Conferences, I again heard how creative, enthusiastic, and wonderful Eli was. More tears. He earned mostly A’s and B’s his first two terms. A lot has happened to bring Eli to this place. He’s stable, happy, and productive. Needless to say, I am thrilled. I strongly believe that the most important factor was neurofeedback. Thank goodness you and The NeuroDevelopment Center were there for us. I can’t thank you enough. ”
L.L., Warwick, RI

Ethan was a preschooler diagnosed with PDD-NOS, a form of autism spectrum disorder. He was receiving special education services in school. His mother was working with a terrific ASD specialist to make use of social experiences in the home to improve his social functioning. He was making gains in both places, but progress was limited by his severe difficulties with emotional regulation. His Mom decided to engage in neurofeedback for autism treatment to address these emotional problems. She and the ASD specialist thought that if he were calmer and less frequently out of control, he would benefit more from all of his therapies.

His Mom and his teacher described his response to neurofeedback. First, his mother:

“My son was a normal baby who, around 15 months old, stopped talking, more or less stopped smiling, started screaming a lot, and became very obsessive….By the time he was 3.5 years old, he was very non-compliant, obsessive, and aggressive toward his younger brother. He spent much of the day screaming or smashing his head into the wall or floor. His obsessions were so strong they ran our lives. I had difficulty bathing him, getting him dressed, and especially, keeping him from hurting his brother. Everything was a struggle. He was diagnosed with autism (PDD-NOS) around this time. A few months later my son started EEG biofeedback with Dr. Laurence Hirshberg. He is now a nice little boy. He gives me kisses when I am sad. He is no more aggressive with his brother than any normal kid. In fact, he is very tolerant. His obsessions have decreased markedly. He plays cooperatively with his brother and shows concern for him…I am extremely grateful to have my child back. I am convinced that it is this treatment (EEG biofeedback) that has changed him.”
– R. H., N. Attleboro, MA

Here is what his teacher observed:

“I am very excited about the progress I have seen in Ethan in the past three or four weeks. There is a definite increase in eye contact. There is an increase in the quality and quantity of his expressive language. Ethan has shown an increase in spontaneous teacher and peer interactions. Rather than being passive and reacting to his world at school, Ethan is reaching out, stating his opinions, and asking for help more readily. Ethan appears to be less fragile. He carries himself with a bit more confidence and I have been able to put more demands on him without having hi retreat. I am excited by the changes I see and eager to see more progress.”
L.T., North Attleboro, MA

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